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  • Only $1 a Month

  • Cleveland, Ohio 44124

Children, Community

Jamaica Country Fund

One of the biggest Cleveland reggae legends is Packy Malley. He’s been throwing reggae events in the Cleveland area for decades. And in March 2023, Packy dedicated his life to help the people of Jamaica and enlist in the peace corps. He will be there till June 2025 where he will be making such a positive difference in the community and with the people. 

Packy is an amazing human being, so let’s all come together to support him and his cause. Any donation helps, $1 to $1000, it all makes a difference. So please do what you can. 

Contributions to the Jamaica Country Fund support sustainable, community-driven Peace Corps Partnership Program projects in Jamaica that are led by Peace Corps Volunteers. Projects focus on agriculture and education. Volunteers and community partners work collaboratively to support local capacity building and skills transfer through PCPP projects. Over the years, contributions from the Jamaica Country Fund have been used to support school gardens, water supply projects, community center refurbishing projects, adult literacy programs, sports programs, boy’s education and empowerment programs, and technology for development projects.