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Only $1 a Month
Cleveland, Ohio 44124
Pledged So Far
Everyone and anyone can make a difference. For only $1 a month, you can become a member of 1 Million Hearts and be a part of something magical. You will be contributing to better the lives of children, veterans, animals, our environment and others in need.
Our charity has a goal to reach 1 million people all donating $1 a month. It shows the power of working together and that it doesn’t take a lot from one person but just a little from a bunch of people. If you have a cause or fundraiser, we always want to hear from you as we can add your suggestion for board review. Our board is what chooses to spend our revenue on. We pick all types of causes as everyone deserves some help and love.
Our charity also allows you to post your own fundraiser and use our network to raise money. Just like Go Fund Me, you can use 1 Million Hearts to raise money for your cause. This is all automated and you can post it right now.
We truly look forward to doing some amazing things for this country and this world. The unity of 1 million hearts all over the globe will bring happiness, smiles, love and so much more to people and animals all over.